Insights from the experts
Our focused blog section talks about immersive technology developments, industry applications of simulation and much more.
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Training Through Tech: Smart Fitness Technology To Sustain Health

It’s all online now. Work, interactions, buying, touring, playing, you name it, it has an online counterpart. A virtual alternative. So why not fitness? The ongoing pandemic has enforced lockdowns and quarantines and other isolation factors. It is important now, more than ever, to keep fit mentally as well as physically.

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5 Ways that Gamification Helps Boost Consumer Engagement

Games have always been an important part of our lives. Whether it is cricket, football or carom, playing games have always been fun.

There has been a transformation of games from indoor/outdoor to mobile phones, people have emerged with new ways of playing games now in mobiles from Candy Crush to Pokemon Go and now PubG.

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Gaming Trends 2024 - Top 10 Trends that Will Rule Industry

The gaming industry is about to undergo significant transformations in the next 3-4 years, thanks to the recent launches of PS5 and Xbox Series X.

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5 Positive Impacts of Gamification in Workplace

People often get bored with their routine work. They start resenting for turning up for work every day. This makes them lose their efficiency, thereby, affecting their productivity.

Therefore, if work is made fun of, they won’t resist much. 
Gamification does exactly what is called workplace culture fun. It is a “learning through gaming” system. It is helpful in all places of work.

It can be used to motivate people, improve their productivity, and encourage creativity. 
It is not only used in corporate culture but also in education. It has the following benefits attached to gamification in the workplace:
