Insights from the experts
Our focused blog section talks about immersive technology developments, industry applications of simulation and much more.
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Metaverse Wedding Reception: Is it the New Trend?

There are no giant banquet halls, No extra travel expenses, and no chance of crowds bumping into each other. With metaverse, organizing events has become a piece of cake. Metaverse is a concept that has captivated the world, leaving people intrigued but mesmerized.

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How Virtual Showrooms in Metaverse are Impacting Businesses?

The emergence of both the internet and smartphone has impacted and revolutionized almost every aspect of businesses. Internet and mobile smartphone apps have shown business owners how to promote their business ventures innovatively. 

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VR in Marketing: Are AR and VR the New Normal in Marketing?

From wall paintings and posters to social media postings and advanced digital marketing methods--- the marketing and advertising space has evolved a lot.

Gone are the days when marketers used to rely solely on conventional marketing and advertising strategies to promote brands. With the internet at your fingertips, marketers leverage advanced technologies like AR and VR to create mesmerizing brand experiences.

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A Guide to Understand the Use of Metaverse for Enterprise

The metaverse is the most trending technology term nowadays. And why should it not be?

Earlier considered the domain of gaming, social networks, and entertainment, it is now slowly seeping into all critical segments like education and healthcare as well. Metaverse for Enterprise is slowly gaining traction, and all sectors are keen to explore the opportunities that it will bring.

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Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality: Similarities and Differences

The virtual environment is not uncommon nowadays. People use various things that utilize the virtual world. The list includes games, applications, shopping apps, educational tools, and whatnot! The two significant technologies contributing to the virtual world are AR and VR.

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Military VR: Applications of AR VR in Military Training

AR and VR-backed tactical military training will revolutionize how soldiers process data and instructions to execute operations in combat missions. The military also benefits from reduced training spending and lower soldier mortality rates.
